The Oral Interpretation Team, coached by Dan Snethen, has once again achieved success by winning the State Team Excellence Award at Sturgis, SD.
To earn the Team Excellence Award, a team must achieve superior ratings in at least two events. This year, the Little Wound Oral Interpretation Team excelled in four events.
Every team member delivered outstanding performances in their respective categories. Charlee, Malik, Devin, and Nik received superior ratings in Reader's Theater, Jaida earned superior honors in Non-Original Oratory, Malik received a superior in Serious Interpretation, and Quade and Louis were awarded superior in Duet.
The Oral Interpretation program has consistently been one of South Dakota's most successful, having garnered more than 41 superior awards under the leadership of Coach Snethen.
Next, the team will compete at the Lakota Nation Invitational tournament in Rapid City, SD, this December. Best of luck to the team!