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Little Wound School

Taopi Cikala Owayawa

Once a Mustang, Always a Mustang

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FACE (Family and Child Education)

The goals of the FACE program are:
  • to support parents/primary caregivers in their role as their child’s first and most influential teacher;
  • to increase family literacy; to strengthen family-school-community connections;
  • to promote the early identification and services to children with special needs;
  • to increase parent participation in their child’s learning;
  • to support and celebrate the unique cultural and linguistic diversity of each American Indian community served by the program; and
  • to promote lifelong learning. Program services integrate language and culture in two settings: home and school.
Meet Our Staff:

Lynn Hernandez
Adult Ed/FACE Director
Juanita Rooks
Center Teacher
Kelli Pourier
Parent Educator
Cammi Bear Killer
Center Base Aide

Larissa Red Eagle
Parent  Educator