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Little Wound School

Taopi Cikala Owayawa

Once a Mustang, Always a Mustang

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Opta Ocanku Project


The effects of trauma on classroom behavior “originate from the same problems that create academic difficulties: the inability to process social cues and to convey feelings in an appropriate manner. Therefore, traumatized children’s behavior in the classroom can be highly confusing; children suffering from the behavioral symptoms of trauma are frequently profoundly misunderstood. Whether a traumatized child externalizes (acts out) or internalizes (withdraws, is numb, frozen, or depressed), the effects of trauma can lead to strained relationships with teachers and peers.”

Based on this, we have established three goals that will guide our program’s implementation—

1. Expand access to evidence-based and culturally relevant trauma support for the targeted population by implementing school-based mental and behavioral health services.

2. Decrease substance use and abuse in the target population by expanding access to culturally-informed, evidence-based treatment programs for Native American youth.

3. Increase the capacity of families of the target population and members of the community to recognize and intervene in trauma-induced negative behaviors and refer those individuals for additional services.

Lance Christensen
Project Director/EAP
Warren Pourier
Therapuetic Counselor
Ruth Cedar Face
Alcohol/Drug Counselor

Shyla White Lance
Social Worker/Counselor

Taylor Christensen
Social Worker/Counselor