The Little Wound School is committed to creating a safe and welcoming learning environment for students, families, staff, and visitors.
While we hope to never have to respond to a school tragedy, the reality is schools will be face with events that impacts students, staff, parents and the community. However, today Little Wound School is better prepared to prevent or mitigate school violence, and to respond to school incidents and emergencies.
Security Procedures and Resources
The Security Department consists of nine trained staff members who monitor the campus 24/7 during school hours, evening activities, crosswalks, and nightwatch.
Security cameras are located throughout the interior and exterior of the school and in school buses. These cameras aide in investigations into any criminal activity and have reduced vandalism significantly. Camera video is not open for review without the appropriate credentials and all viewing must comply with LWS policy 7.81 Electronic Surveillance.
Controlled access to buildings and classrooms. Exterior doors have electronic keyless entries requiring fobs with only staff members having access. Visitors have access into main entrances using a electronic door surveillance system that signals designated staff who are able to observe and communicate with the visitor before allowing entry. Classroom doors remain locked at all times.
ALICE is an options-based strategy of preparation and planning for individuals and organizations on how to more proactively handle the threat of an aggressive intruder or active shooter event. It is important to acknowledge that these options are not in any particular order and use best judgment based on the circumstance.
The key components of ALICE are: Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate
Emergency Communications. The NASIS Messenger allows key administrators to send voice, text and email messages to parents and staff emergency messages instantly. Contact information in NASIS is used to send these messages so it is important parents and staff make certain any changes to their contact information is updated in NASIS by contacting the school secretaries. The NASIS parent portal also allows parents/guardians to update their contact information.
To update contact information call:
Lorraine Munoz, Elementary Secretary (605) 454-5067
Charlene Pratt, MS Secretary (605) 454-5066
Dawn Janis, HS Secretary (605) 454-5065
To receive a login to the Parent Portal, call: Anne Hunter, NASIS Administrator (605) 407-9183