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2nd Semester Registration is now OPEN.

Little Wound School

Taopi Cikala Owayawa

Once a Mustang, Always a Mustang

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The purpose of the Little Wound School Technology Plan is to provide a coherent long-range direction for the school as it envisions how technology can enhance the teaching and learning process and to overcome the school’s geographical remoteness and limited fiscal resources.

We embrace our philosophy to recognize the importance of an education for the future leaders of the Oglala Lakota Nation as global ambassadors and also understand that technology is vital to the academic success of our students.

 Damon Rooks
IT Manager

Charles Mousseaux
Computer Tech 

Randy Witt
Computer Tech

 Vienna Kills Warrior

For technical support:  

Damon Rooks:  605-407-8203
Charles Mousseaux:  605-454-5108
Randy Witt:  605-407-8123
Vienna Kills Warrior:  605-407-1479