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Little Wound School

Taopi Cikala Owayawa

Once a Mustang, Always a Mustang

Mustang Staff Login

Project Aware Information

All school staff will be trained to identify and respond to trauma-induced mental and behavioral health
issues when they arise in school. When this occurs, students will have an individualizd counseling plan
developed that may include additional resources that could benefit the student, including individual
counseling, small group counseling, cultural mentoring, and others. These services include universal
prevention of substance use and early intervention treatments for children and youth who are using,
misusing, or abusing alcohol, drugs, or other substances.

Potential Benefits and Risks

All students who enroll as part of this program will have access to counseling, cultural mentorship, and
other programming. This will help students to process emotions, develop positive coping skills, build
increased senses of self-identity, and improve students’ relationships with the school and their peers.
There is always some risk associated with counseling and related services, but we believe it is mitigated
by the potential positives of having a caring, trained professional provide evidence-based counseling

Incentives and Compensation

There is no financial compensation provided for participation. Students do not receive extra credit or
other advantages over their non-participating peers. You will not be adversely impacted as a student for
choosing not to participate.


Your identity will be kept confidential to the extent provided by law. Your information will be signed a
code number for communication purposes. The list connecting your student’s name to this number will be
kept in a locked compartment to which only the project director or designee(s) have access to. When this
program is complete and all disaggregated data has been compiled, the list will be destroyed. Your name,
or your student’s name, will not be used in any report, publication, or marketing.

Voluntary Participation

Participation in this project is completely voluntary. Should you elect to discontinue participation at any
time, personal information already collected will be discarded. There is no penalty or loss of benefit for
choosing not to participate.

Withdrawal from Project

You have the right to withdraw from the project at any time without consequence or penalty.

No Waiver of Legal Rights

Participation in this project does not require the participant to waive any legal rights and does not release
the project or its agents from liability for negligence.